Dalam kitab suci Al-Quran banyak terkandung rahasia-rahasia yang harus dipikirkan oleh umat manusia. Memang, beberapa ayat Al-Quran menjelaskan bahwa manusia diminta untuk menggunakan akal fikirannya untuk memikirkan arti dan kandungan ayat-ayat Allah, baik yang implisit maupun eksplisit. Salah satunya, yang baru diketahui manusia sekarang adalah rahasia angka dalam Al-Quran. Misalnya, sebuah angka dari sekian banyak dan paling sering muncul di dalam Al-Quran adalah angka 19. Angka 19 itu didapat dari berbagai perhitungan, salah satunya adalah jumlah dari bacaan basmalah yang berjumlah 19 huruf. Selain jumlah huruf bacaan basmalah yang 19, jumlah seluruh huruf dalam Alquran adalah 330.733, yang bila dibagi dengan bilangan 19 akan ditemukan angka 17.407 x 19.
Tengok juga jumlah surat dalam Alquran, sebanyak 114. Angka 114 itu bila dipertemukan dengan 19 akan diperoleh hitungan 6 x 19 = 114. ”Bahasa matematikanya kita sebut ’nx19’. Mungkin itulah yang dimaksud dalam Alquran surat Al-Muddats-tsir, ke 74 ayat 30; ”Dan di atasnya ada sembilan belas.”
Jumlah rakaat salat selama setahun dengan jumlah ayat dalam Alquran. Bila dihitung, jumlah rakaat salat wajib (5 waktu) dalam 1 tahun qomariah adalah 6018 rakaat, ditambah 319 rakaat salat tarawih – witir di 29 hari Ramadan, dan 4 rakaat salat Id (Fitri & Qurban), maka ditemukan angka 6.341. Subhanallah, angka ini sama dengan jumlah ayat dalam Alquran, minus 7 ayat Al Fatihah, yakni 6.341.
Tidak hanya angka ajaib (angka 19), tapi ditunjukkan pula tentang putaran atau sudut yang dibuat saat melakukan shalat. Bukti ini dikenal dengan bentuk transformasi shalat. Salah satunya, salat gerhana berhubungan dengan terjadinya gerhana baik matahari maupun bulan. Dalam shalat gerhana ada dua kali rukuk, setiap ruku’ dianggap bersudut 90 derajat. Jika dijumlah maka sudutnya menjadi 180 derajat. Dalam matematika ini membentuk garis lurus. Logikanya, jika dalam tiap kali kita melakukan ruku itu membentuk 90 derajat, maka dalam tiap satu raka’at itu kita membentuk 360 derajat, sebagaimana bumi berputar yang menandakan sebagai sebuah proses kehidupan. Ternyata, ratusan tahun kemudian para ahli baru menemukan bahwa gerhana pun terjadi akibat posisi bulan, bumi dan matahari yang berada pada satu garis lurus.
Contoh lain, bacaan Allahu Akbar yang diucapkan pada shalat Tarawih dan Witir dengan hari Ramadhan 29 ditambah shalat Ied, akan didapat jumlah 1.786. Angka itu kalau dibagi 19, didapat 94. Adapun angka 94 merupakan jumlah kalimat Allahu Akbar dalam shalat lima waktu; Subuh 11 kali, Dzuhur 22 kali, Ashar 22 kali, Maghrib 17 kali, dan Isya 22 kali.
Sekarang kalau shalat lima waktu kita transformasikan ke bentuk roda gigi, maka gigi tersedikit untuk bumi adalah 12. Angka 12 ini diperoleh dari kelipatan persekutuan terkecil (KPK) dari 2.3.4 yang tak lain adalah 12. Kemudian, bila dijabarkan satu per satu ; shalat Subuh punya roda gigi berjumlah 6 (dari 12 dibagi 2 rakaat). Shalat Dzuhur 3 kali (12 dibagi 4), Ashar 3 kali, Maghrib 4 kali (12 dibagi 3) dan Isya 3 kali. “Yang menarik, gigi shalat ini jumlahnya 6-3-3-4-3 atau 19. Itu sama dengan kalimat Bismilahirahmanirrahim yang berjumlah 19 huruf. Luar biasa, bukan?
Kamis, 30 Desember 2010
kandungan yang terdapat dalam gerakan solat
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he opening scene of the movie shows a prediction of what should happen in the future of the movie. It shows Naruto battling a monster, only to be impaled by its tail, killing him and the Nine Tailed Fox inside of him. A funeral is held for Naruto in his home village, to which Sakura Haruno, Rock Lee and Neji Hyuga are shown to attend, along with others. Finally, the scene shows Tsunade looking out her window, asking if 'Everything is just decided by fate'. The setting then returns to a few days previous, where a man named Yomi attacks a shrine to retrieve the spirit of Mōryō, a demon who attempted to take over the world and create his "Thousand Year Kingdom". Since he is lacking a body, Yomi offers his as a temporary substitute until they can retrieve Mōryō's original one.
The only threat to Mōryō's plan is a priestess named Shion, who has the ability to seal his spirit away once more. He raises a stone army from their slumber to attack the rest of the world while his four subordinates go to eliminate Shion. They are given special chakra creatures to enhance their strength.
To deal with the threat, Konohagakure sends out many advance teams to stall the stone army. Naruto, Sakura, Lee and Neji are sent to guard Shion and deliver her to the shrine where Mōryō's body is kept. They fend off Shion's four would-be assassins, and, afterwards, Shion prophesies Naruto's upcoming death. Shion's total acceptance of "fate", as well as her selfish attitude, provokes Naruto into antagonizing her. As they head for the shrine, they are again ambushed by the assassins and, ultimately, Shion is killed.
This turns out to be a ruse: the dead "Shion" is actually her servant, Taruho, acting as a decoy, via Shadow Mirror Body Transfer Jutsu. After Neji orders Naruto to escort Shion to the temple alone, Shion explains that her predictions work by using others' lives to protect her own. Naruto insists that he will not die, and likewise will keep Shion safe.
With teamwork, Sakura, Lee and Neji defeat the assassins, and at the mountain temple where Mōryō's body is kept, Naruto and Shion find the stone army waiting. Naruto holds the army back while Shion heads inside to begin the sealing ritual. Yomi is already inside, and tricks Shion into beginning the technique with him inside the barrier, allowing Mōryō's spirit to reunite with his body. With the stone army being destroyed by Kakashi, Shikamaru, Guy and Temari, Naruto comes to rescue her. About to see her prediction of his death (the opening scene) come true, Shion uses her power to change Naruto's fate. She is able to tap into her true powers, intending to kill herself and Mōryō to save Naruto (with whom, she has developed feelings for). Naruto stops her seconds before her death, and creates a gigantic Rasengan(Chō Chakra Rasengan [literally: Super Chakra Spiraling Sphere]) by combining Shion's chakra with his. Naruto drives the Rasengan into Mōryō and obliterates it.
After the ending credits, Naruto asks Shion what she intends to do now. She replies that Mōryō was a demon created by the dark thoughts of men, and that there is bound to be another Mōryō someday. Because of this, she says that she must continue the line of priestesses that will suppress demons like Mōryō. Shion then asks Naruto if he will help her (a double entendre asking if he will be the father of her child),
The only threat to Mōryō's plan is a priestess named Shion, who has the ability to seal his spirit away once more. He raises a stone army from their slumber to attack the rest of the world while his four subordinates go to eliminate Shion. They are given special chakra creatures to enhance their strength.
To deal with the threat, Konohagakure sends out many advance teams to stall the stone army. Naruto, Sakura, Lee and Neji are sent to guard Shion and deliver her to the shrine where Mōryō's body is kept. They fend off Shion's four would-be assassins, and, afterwards, Shion prophesies Naruto's upcoming death. Shion's total acceptance of "fate", as well as her selfish attitude, provokes Naruto into antagonizing her. As they head for the shrine, they are again ambushed by the assassins and, ultimately, Shion is killed.
This turns out to be a ruse: the dead "Shion" is actually her servant, Taruho, acting as a decoy, via Shadow Mirror Body Transfer Jutsu. After Neji orders Naruto to escort Shion to the temple alone, Shion explains that her predictions work by using others' lives to protect her own. Naruto insists that he will not die, and likewise will keep Shion safe.
With teamwork, Sakura, Lee and Neji defeat the assassins, and at the mountain temple where Mōryō's body is kept, Naruto and Shion find the stone army waiting. Naruto holds the army back while Shion heads inside to begin the sealing ritual. Yomi is already inside, and tricks Shion into beginning the technique with him inside the barrier, allowing Mōryō's spirit to reunite with his body. With the stone army being destroyed by Kakashi, Shikamaru, Guy and Temari, Naruto comes to rescue her. About to see her prediction of his death (the opening scene) come true, Shion uses her power to change Naruto's fate. She is able to tap into her true powers, intending to kill herself and Mōryō to save Naruto (with whom, she has developed feelings for). Naruto stops her seconds before her death, and creates a gigantic Rasengan(Chō Chakra Rasengan [literally: Super Chakra Spiraling Sphere]) by combining Shion's chakra with his. Naruto drives the Rasengan into Mōryō and obliterates it.
After the ending credits, Naruto asks Shion what she intends to do now. She replies that Mōryō was a demon created by the dark thoughts of men, and that there is bound to be another Mōryō someday. Because of this, she says that she must continue the line of priestesses that will suppress demons like Mōryō. Shion then asks Naruto if he will help her (a double entendre asking if he will be the father of her child),
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